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Scrivener and More

Good morning! Today, I'll be subbing first grade for a favorite teacher who moved from another school where I sub. I'm looking forward to helping the kids with their history, reading, and writing. I'm not so great with math, but these kids will be young enough that I expect math to be easy. I take my tablet with me anyway so I can look up anything I've forgotten.

Yesterday, I worked on an advice book for teens or younger kids and a suspense book (I have no idea where it will take me yet), I spent some time trying to understand a new writing program, Scrivener, that I downloaded, too. People tell me they love the program, so I'm looking forward to using it. I began a story on it, but I still need to learn its many features.

The plans with my daughter fell through, but we'll get together next weekend for shopping and a view of her new apartment. It has one bedroom, a balcony, a loft, and two bathrooms (I think). The loft is rather charming. Meanwhile, my son and his girlfriend continue to fix up their apartment. At the same time, my house remains a mess, because I'm usually working or writing. No, I guess that's not really fair. It was messy before.

My husband has been working on fixing up his workshop downstairs, and we're getting new garage doors soon, too. He's doing a good job of it. My photo of the day will be of my mother when she was younger and me and my brother.

Well, that's all for today. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Stay healthy and happy!

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