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I guess you could say I "wrote" a little bit last night, even though all I did was watch students and teachers walk past me at campus. Yes, I'm back "at school," in a sense. Two weeks ago, my daughter had a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure, so I'm her assigned driver to get her back and forth to class and to wherever else she needs to go. I don't like driving in the dark (at night or in the early morning), but I do love being around my daughter, so there's something. I took my laptop with me to class last night, fully intending to write, but I just couldn't - not with all of the people around me, all of the noise from conversations. I guess I'll try to grab a quiet moment this weekend, although we'll be busy helping my daughter and her boyfriend move things from their old apartment to their current one and visiting my son and his girlfriend. Tomorrow, I might try to pick up a subbing job, depending on how tired I am tonight.

In the meantime, we're looking at the Embrace watch, with the idea that it will detect another tonic-clonic and notify us of it. I'm glad that this is a new and different time from when I was growing up, that there are more resources for people with seizures now.

Well, I have to finish getting ready to go pick her up. I think I might need coffee this morning. We'll see...

Have a good day, All!

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