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Time for an update. I haven't done any more writing lately. I've been too busy driving my daughter to and from her college classes and other places. You see, after six years without a seizure, she had a tonic-clonic (Grand Mal) seizure. Thankfully, her boyfriend was home at the time and was able to get emergency help for her. As a result of the seizure, though, she cannot drive for six months, so her boyfriend, my husband, and I are working to get her to college classes and wherever else she needs to be. I know she is disappointed that she cannot drive, too, and I hope it doesn't throw her over into another depression. She is back on the meds, and they appear to be helping (2 weeks without a seizure - or one we've noticed). She just had her EEG yesterday, but we won't get the results for a while. Her sleep study is scheduled for next month, and we still need to schedule her MRI. Once all of those things are done, we should get a picture of whether or not she is having other seizures.

I wish this hadn't happened, but the upside is that I get to spend a lot of time with my wonderful, beautiful daughter. I don't spend as much time writing, though, and I can't work very much either. But I'd rather drive her where she needs to go than have some stranger take her.

Valentines Day. I got a beautiful valentine from my husband. <3 And, of course, my kids are always my valentines, too. My husband and I had a nice visit with my son and his girlfriend on Sunday. Lunch out and just chatting. Nice!

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