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The Lovely Month of May

Just a general "hello" today and a wish that your day is beautiful and bright! I haven't had time to write much; I've just been too busy with living life. Sometimes I wonder if I'm meant to write more, or if just getting my feelings out about Mom dying and my life growing up w/abuse was enough - cleansing, maybe? Big events coming up soon - my birthday (I'll turn 61; where did the time go?) and my son's graduation from college. I say "from" college, but he'll continue on somewhere in the dental program after he has taken a short break.

My husband has been busy setting up his annual garden and planting veggies. Me? My hobby has been playing games on Facebook whenever I get the chance. I think I will eventually tire of the farming games again. It seems to always happen. Or I'll end up working more and I won't have time to play the games anymore.

We had a nasty storm here recently, even a tornado that touched down, but fortunately we didn't get any damage, and our electricity stayed on.

The latest book I'm reading (since I love suspense books so much) is Executive Thriller by Leslie Wolfe. I read one of her other books and got hooked. Last night, I was at my favorite coffee shop, reading and snacking on an almond croissant. That was to get the taste of the pre-packaged spinach and egg concoction I ate just prior to that out of my mouth. Ugh.

I haven't been to many estate sales lately. Instead, I've been searching for shoes to wear to my son's graduation. Nice ones, I mean - not the athletic shoes I so often wear. I feel I can afford only one pair of orthotic inserts, and I can wear athletic shoes to work, so I have them only for my athletic shoes. So I need some very, very comfy nice shoes to wear very seldom.

So May will be a big month, because my son's birthday is in May, too. As usual, I haven't the foggiest idea of what to get him. I think I have bought guitar books galore for him already, and his interest in frisbee seems to have fallen to the wayside. He likes to read for pleasure, but he has so little time to do it with classes and all. Maybe a nice gift certificate for dinner out w/his girlfriend will suffice. We'll see... On his girlfriend's last birthday, I learned that she enjoys many of the authors I do. That was nice - and an easy gift.

Well, I haven't posted much lately, but I just haven't had much time to write - or inclination. I need to write for 10 minutes a day and see if something "strikes" me - an idea for a book maybe. I like to start out thrillers (like I've ever written one! But I've read a lot of them) out w/dramatic events at the beginning of the book w/the back story coming later. Those are the types of books I enjoy reading - the ones that catch my interest from the very beginning. My problem is coming up with the next part. You sort-of have to have the whole story in mind to continue on. Oh well, it's a learning process. And isn't that what life is, too? Always learning. I need to take the pressure off of myself - about writing, that is - right now, too, since I have so much else occupying my mind and time. Maybe I'll take another stab at it this weekend. We'll see...

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