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I should be writing...

I should be writing, but so much has happened lately with my dolls that I have been absorbed in all of that. For one, I went to an estate sale this weekend and bought four dolls (okay, two more on the third day (1/2-off) when I told myself I was actually going to make sure a doll a friend wanted wasn't there (it wasn't). I bought three lovely Madame Alexander dolls and one googly-eyed doll. I'll include photos of them.

While sharing pictures of the dolls at the sale w/friends in doll groups to ask which were worth buying, one woman said that she would have bought the brown-haired, brown-eyed Chatty Cathy doll, since she collects Chatty Cathy dolls. I have my blonde-haired, blue-eyed Chatty Cathy from childhood and that's enough for me (Besides, my daughter thinks she's creepy), so I bought the doll for my friend (who will reimburse me).

Then, I was chatting with a friend in one dollhouse group, and she mentioned that she belonged to a miniaturist group, so I joined that group, too. Maybe - if I'm lucky - someone from the group will sew a dress for my lovely Simon and Helberg Little Women dollhouse doll I inherited from my great-grandmother! I'm so excited. And maybe someday I can fix up the two dollhouses I have. I'm 61. I need more time!

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